Learn to Sing Dvorak Mass in D, Rehearse your SATB Voice Part

Learning your voice part (Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Bass) in Dvorak's Mass in D does require you to dedicate some time to ensure you know the notes you are singing so you will sing with confidence and really enjoy fully contributing to your choir.
ChoraLine Rehearsal Recordings are learning tools specifically created for you learn to sing your part. There are now 20,000 choral singers using ChoraLine every year and please do read through some of their testamonials below
ChoraLine Rehearsal Recordings
Quick and Easy way to memorise your vocal line and practise at home between choir rehearsals
Know Your Notes Perfectly
Enhance Your Enjoyment when Singing
Learn With The Music
Shine In Your Choir
Sing With Confidence
Please click the line you sing to hear a sample of how ChoraLine can help you learn Dvorak's Mass in D
ChoraLine voice part rehearsal CDs & EasyPlay (to use right away via Streaming and/or Downloading) are learning tools, specifically created to help you memorise your vocal line and practice between choir rehearsals.
Over 20,000 Singers Use ChoraLine Every Year
High Quality made by BBC Sound Engineer
Easy To Use narrator calls out when to sing
Don't Get Lost narrator calls out bar numbers
Be Pitch Perfect hear the notes for your part
Learn At Your Own Pace sing with the music
Vocal Entry pitch cue for when you come in
Be Fully Prepared Sing with confidence
"Thank you for your wonderful Choraline"
"I am delighted with my rehearsal CD"
"I love learning with ChoraLine, thank you again"
"I must compliment you"
"Well done for a superb service"
"I have told everyone about your brilliant ChoraLine"
"We now have 22 of your CDs!"
It is the attention to detail and the quality of the ChoraLine recordings (produced by Lloyd Silverthorne a top BBC sound engineer) which makes ChoraLine such a pleasure to use:
- A narrator guides you with verbal signposts (using bar numbers and rehearsal letters) to ensure you don't get lost and to 'cue' your entry
- There is also a track listing (on the back of the CD cover or within the MP3 zip file) which lists the bar numbers and rehearsal letters, you can follow exactly where you are on the ChoraLine recording and in the vocal score
- Hear and assimilate the music so it becomes second nature to sing
- The vocal score becomes so much easier to follow for those of us who are not so proficient at sight reading
- Rehearse in time with the music and learn at your own pace
- Use the balance control on your stereo (or the graphic equaliser on your computer) to enhance or diminish your voice part. Have your vocal line quite loud to start with and when you feel you know your part, test yourself by turning it right down
- Focus on challenging sections by going over and over specific parts of a movement
- Use as a 'pitch cue' for vocal entry
- Practice hitting the notes until you are perfect
- Far more enjoyable than unaccompanied note-bashing
- Be prepared, having learnt your part in advance of rehearsal
- Sing with more confidence and experience a higher level of achievement
We are always delighted to receive letters and emails from singers saying how useful they have found ChoraLine and also suggestions for new works where ChoraLine would assist in learning their notes:

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Free PDF Download ChoraLine Guide Book 1: HOW TO LEARN YOUR VOICE PART |